Maybe the answer to your question is here:

On our website you will find our fundamental purpose, financial information, values, history, and other topics of interest.

If you present any problems with any of our products, please send the following information to so that we can contact you directly:

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Contact telephone number
  • Product and place of purchase

We are looking forward to your response!

You can find our products in supermarkets and self-service stores. You can also look for them at the following link:

If you are a B2B client (or business name) you can enter the following link: Here.

If you have a warehouse and want to buy a product from our exclusive distributors: Here

The Alicorp Ethics Line allows reporting behaviors that violate our Guide to Ethical Commitments through the website and the telephone line. This channel is operated by an independent firm; All reported matters are taken into consideration and we guarantee that the person who reports them is free from retaliation. You can check the phone numbers and report a breach at

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