A new beginning

With the incorporation of Fino and SAO, we entered the business of grinding soybeans and sunflower, which translates into new growth paths.

We care about working closely with farmers, providing them with the necessary support to achieve a high quality crop, as well as training them in technical aspects.

From the milling, two by-products originate: one solid (the flour) and another liquid (the crude oil). Flour is highly valued in animal feed, and this is where a first synergy is produced: Vitapro, our aquaculture feed company, requires part of this flour to manufacture its products; The same goes for Alicorp Soluciones, whose Nutrition Solutions division offers food for the agricultural and livestock sectors.

For its part, oil has two destinations. First, it is refined for the production of vegetable oil and derivatives, such as margarines, lard and a wide variety of mass consumption products. Meanwhile, crude oil is sold to other companies or exported.

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