Our management model

Alicorp seek power in a better tomorrow, creating value and welfare in society. We exist thanks to the ecosystem in which we live, and we want to protect and grow along with it.

We believe the only way is to manage our business with a focus on sustainability, ie, making decisions that consider the economic impact also social and environmental but not only. As a result of our materiality analysis, we address three main issues: welfare, care of the environment and development of the value chain.

We have developed an Integrated Management System Sustainability, quantitative and qualitative indicators with which we direct, measure and report sustainability of the company. We operate across the board in all areas that manage the various initiatives. And we make sure that always align with our strategic pillars: growth, efficiency and people.

We have a Sustainability Committee in which we propose, coordinate and drive the main initiatives of social and environmental impacts for all countries in which we operate. This all functional areas of the company seeking opportunities in our value chain and taking into account the expectations of our stakeholders committee involved.

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